Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Authentic Prayers

This morning began with me pouring my heart out to HIM in my journal, followed by today's declaration that talked about remorse of my sins, and asking HIM to cleanse me of my sins.  Seeking repentance, and growing and strengthening my FAITH because of my obedience.  Naturally it would be NO surprise to me that HE would finish off with today's Power Thought which talked about how I must choose to be active in my FAITH.  Joyce Meyer writes about the importance of praying without ceasing.  She goes on to say that this means that I must choose to train myself to think, speak, and act positively.  Not on my own, but by seeking HIM, and allowing HIM to do HIS work through me.  Finally she writes about the importance of when I fall flat on my face, to be kind to myself.  She reminded me that my life is THE journey towards wholeness with HIM, one step at a time, one prayer at a time.

"We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith,your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 1:3

HIS Daily Teachings today is teaching me how to pray Authentic Prayers.  HE is teaching me that in order to know how to pray, I must read, soak in, and meditate on HIS word, as it is written to show me, how to pray Authentic Prayers.  HE is reminding me that whenever I need help with something, all I have to do is ask HIM, and HE will help me.  

"One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1

HIS word is HIS reminder that NO one has ever, or will ever pray as earnestly and intentionally as JESUS did.  HE is letting me know however, that if I am truly sincere in wanting to learn how to pray Authentic Prayers, HE is there, ready to teach me, so that I will be able to live my life as HIS living testament of what happens when we bring everything, all concerns, thoughts, desires, needs to HIM.   Today HE is teaching me to do just that. 

When I started out on this journey well over a year ago now, it all started in my living room at 4 am, while my family were all still sound asleep in their beds  It was just me, HIM, my journal, pen, and my bible, HIS word.  It all began with LORD JESUS, I need YOU, HELP ME.  Looking back on my prayer walk with HIM, I am saddened as I realize that there have been times where I have only prayed with words, and NOT with my heart.  Today HE is letting me know that my days of praying words is over.  HE is telling me that it's not about the quantity of my words, rather it is about the quality of my words that I speak to HIM, bring to HIM through worship and praise in my prayers.  Today HE is taking me straight into HIS word, and showing me how I can learn to pray Authentic Prayers.

HE is telling me that first I must choose to go someplace quiet, somewhere I can shut the door, to life, and all of its distractions.  This for me also means I must get up before the rest of our house.   These days that's around 5 am, as I only have about 2 hours of alone time before my little one's begin to wake up for the day.  HE is letting me know that I will be rewarded for choosing to get up early just to spend time with HIM.  

HE is wanting me to know that in learning to pray Authentic Prayers, I must refrain from asking HIM to be with me, as HE can't start something, HE is already do.  HE is letting me know that HE is always with me, and I never have to ask HIM to be with me. 

"and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

HE is wanting me to know that in order to pray Authentic Prayers, I must always remember that I am NOT an orphan left in this world to die alone, rather HE is my FATHER, therefore I must go to HIM and talk to HIM as HE is my FATHER, and HE cares for me.  

"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith" Galatians 3:26

HE is telling me that when I pray, I am to pray in private, and NOT in the presence of others, because it's not about other's seeing me pray, or hearing my prayers, but rather about being obedient in praying earnest Authentic Prayers, which will release HIS power into my life.  HE is reminding me of the great miracles that have happened, are happening, and will continue to happen in my life, when I go to HIM with everything in my prayers.  

Today HE is breaking down the way it is written that I am to pray:

"This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name" Matthew 6:9

HE is telling me that HE is sovereign, meaning HE is the ONE WHO is in control, NOT me.  HE is the ONE WHO moves the mountains in my life.  HE is bigger than my problems, therefore I must choose to tell my problems just how big my GOD is.  Though I am unable, HE is able!

"Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven"  Matthew 6:10
HE is wanting me to know that this means I must choose to worship and praise HIM when I come to HIM in prayer.  This means that I must seek HIS will for my life, and live out my life according to HIS will.  In every single area of my life, my marriage to D, being Mama to my amazing five, writing the blog, financially, my health, my relationships with others, and my church.  

"Give us our day our daily bread" Matthew 6:11

HE is my provider, HE will meet all of my needs.  HE is telling me that this means that I must pray about absolutely everything as an act of obedience that shows that I know, trust and choose to BELIEVE that HE is there, and that HE does indeed care for me, and delights in meeting all of my needs in abundance. HE is telling me that in receiving my daily bread, that is HIM meeting all of my daily needs.  

"and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors"  Matthew 6:12

HE is telling me that this means that I must choose to pray Authentic Prayers in seeking forgiveness, and also for HIM to cultivate a forgiving heart within me.  HE is wanting me to know that I am able to forgive, as I know I have been forgiven, therefore it shouldn't be hard for me to extend HIS grace and HIS mercy to others. -- Oh if only I could remember this when someone offends or hurts me.  It's so hard for me to let go of offenses at times, and other times its no big deal.   LORD JESUS please cultivate a forgiving heart for people in me.  Help me to see them as you see them, and to remember that YOUR grace is YOUR gift to me that enables me to forgive.  I need YOU, break me apart LORD reveal my faults, and teach me and show me your ways.  Amen.

"and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one"  Matthew 6:13

HE is letting me know that NO temptation is too great for HIS power.  All I have to do is seek HIM in my prayers in choosing to pray Authentic Prayers.  HE is telling me that when I seek HIM, I will find HIM, and HE will help me.  HE is telling me that though temptation will always be biting at my heels, HE will always give me a way out.  Through HIM I will overcome, therefore I must choose to pray Authentic Prayers that will grow and strengthen my faith in HIM through each day passing.  

I will be honest in saying that I haven't always wanted to pray to HIM, in fact in my early walk with HIM, I used to cringe at the thought of praying.  Especially after hearing other people pray with such big words.  It wasn't until about six years into my journey where I actually felt like I could pray to HIM, let alone in front of other people.  

Today I am a prayer warrior, and once again HE is taking me to the next level and showing me what it means for me to be able to pray Authentic Prayers, for my life, and the life of others  Today I am thankful for HIS Daily Teachings, that is pushing me to go further, and dig deeper into my FAITH.  Today I am thankful that HE is shaking up my world once again, and showing me once again that without HIM I can't do anything, but with HIM all things are possible. 

Today I am accepting Bill Hybels challenge to "Pray JESUS' way; make your prayers private, sincere, and specific."  Today starts the next chapter of my journey towards wholeness with HIM in my prayer walk.  Today I am seeking HIM, with just plain words, nothing fancy, and pouring my heart out to HIM.  Today I am running straight to my loving Daddy's arms, and breathing in all that HE has to say to me.  Today I am soaking in HIS presence.  Today it is well with my soul.

Dear Friends, I pray that you will have the courage to go to HIM today, to pour your heart out to HIM, and let HIM fill you with HIS presence.  I pray friends, that HE will reveal HIS will for your life, and that you will turn from your sinful ways.  I pray that you will be able to let go of the hurts that keep you in the bondage of unforgiveness.  I pray that you will seek HIM earnestly in your prayers so that HIS power will be released into your life, and through your obedience HE will rain HIS favor and blessings over your life.  I pray today that you too will accept the challenge to pray Authentic Prayers. 

Praying many blessings over your lives today, with much love,

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