Saturday, March 10, 2018

battle plan....

"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" Philippians 1:6

For the past few days I've felt something stirring within me.  A desire, a hunger, a thirst, a readiness to SEEK HIM to reveal the next steps that I am needing to take in my journey towards wholeness with HIM.  It is no surprise to me this morning that as soon as my pen touched the paper, the readiness, the willingness, to hear, to SEEK, to know HE met me right where I was, and whew.... it's overwhelming just how much HE loves me, how patient HE is with me, and just how far, and how deep HE will take me, rescue me, break me free from all that is keeping me from being WHOLE in HIM.

"let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance" Proverbs 1:5

While pouring my heart out to HIM this morning, what I felt HE was going to have me write about, HE quickly let me know that I was getting ahead of myself, and wanting to skip the first few crucial steps in what I am needing to know about what HE is leading me to, to take me through, to teach me why I do the things I do, and how to breakthrough, break free through HIM, and allowing HIM to guide me to overcome all that is within me, that is NOT from HIM.  Just as a onion peels with so many layers, friends, these are the next few layers that HE is peeling away at what makes me.... well..... me.

As I studied HIS word this morning, I felt HIS gentle reminder for me to SEEK HIM, HIS wisdom to HEAR HIS voice.  While meditating, soaking in that thought, I remembered watching Billy Grahams funeral on T.V. last week, and the first thing that came to mind, was one of Billy's sons speaking about WHO his father was.  He said his father was F.A.T.  Faithful, available, and teachable.  Just as I was writing that thought down so I wouldn't forget I felt HIS loving reminder that in times that are uncertain I must remember to SEEK HIM as HE is the ONE WHO truly understands, and allow HIM to teach, lead, and guide me to make the right choice.  

All this week I've listened to GOD of Miracles on repeat.  I believe it is because HE wants me to get it planted deeply, and firmly rooted in my heart, that HE truly is the GOD of miracles, as sometimes with the things I am dealing with in my life, are so beyond my control that HE really is the only one WHO can help me.  This morning through this song HE is reminding me once again that in order to truly let go, I must CHOOSE to TRUST HIM and Let Faith Arise.

HE is letting me know that HE knows, HE SEES how much I have struggled in my past, and just how anxious I am about my present, and just how fearful..... fear filled I am about my future.   HE is pulling back the layers and revealing so much of "little Heather" within me still "trying" to control, and because that part of me doesn't fully grasp... understand..... WHO HE is in me, and what that means for me the decisions that are made by the "little" part of me, I am self destructing, losing self control, and allowing myself to be self absorbed.

Learning this has floored me.  Leveled me right where I am, and has allowed me to TRULY SEE and begin to understand why it is that I do the things I do, and why they are so detrimental to me.  Learning what makes me tick, why I respond in the manner that I do, and SEEING the years of self destructing behaviors that have all been fear led, fear filled, all because of agreements, bondage's, and strong holds that were formed long before I could even begin to comprehend just how destructive they would prove to be in my life.

HE let me know right away this morning that HE didn't reveal all of this to me to break me down, but rather to BREAK THROUGH me, to reach "little Heather."  To grow me, to mature me, with HIS wisdom and discernment.  HE let me know that my time of being locked in the prison of lies that I am not worthy enough to have a healthy, fearless life is over.  Today HE is handing me the keys to unlock that prison, and for the first time in my life, I am SEEING my life, my ways of processing, coping, and understanding in HIS light.

Stepping out, and looking UP HE is revealing to me that in order for me to be fully rescued, and made healed and whole I must understand the importance of having a battle plan.  HE is letting me know that there are so many ways that I don't even realize that my way of thinking, dealing, processing, and understanding have been severely compromised.  However HIS loving reminder to me today is this, "NO matter how far I go, how deeply I am hidden from HIS light, HE will find me. HE will rescue me, HE will SHINE HIS light for me to SEE, to reveal the strongholds, to break me FREE of my chains of addictions, wrong thoughts, and the fear that has led me to make horrendous decisions for my life.  HE is my CHAMPION, HE IS NOT DEAD,HE IS ALIVE, and ALIVE in me.  HE is MY GOD, THE ONLY GOD OF MIRACLES."

HIS loving reminder to me today is that I don't have to feel to BE.  I don't have to feel grateful to BE grateful.  I don't have to feel thankful to BE thankful.  My feelings of nice, kind, or wanting to do the right things  don't have to be based on my feelings of how I am being treated for me to BE WHO HE has created, called, and needs me to BE.  This is a struggle for me, as I am an extremely emotional person, who has endured a lot in my almost forty years on this earth.  I always viewed my tenacious, fighter spirit to BE who HE has called me to be, but what I failed to realize was I was being all those things by the world's definition, and NOT BY WHO HE is DEFINED me to BE.  So this morning I am finding myself seeking HIM, and allowing HIM to transform, renew,  and refine me with HIS word, HIS wisdom, HIS discernment through HIS overwhelming love for me.

HE is letting me know that these next steps are to grow "little Heather" hidden within me, to join in the fight.  To give that portion of my life, a voice, to FIGHT BACK in ways that are good, pleasing, and honoring to HIM.  

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

The more HE pulls back the layers, the more HE is revealing to me that the way I have chosen to deal with the circumstances of my life through my thoughts, feelings, and emotions need to mature, to grow, just as HE has already grown my wisdom and discernment in other areas of my life.   HE is letting me know that it's time that I stand up, step up, and step out from under the control of being a slave to fear of being a victim.  

HE is letting me know that HIS battle plan is to ensure the VICTORY that has already been won on my part.  That HIS power, HIS strength are within me, and with HIM I won't fail.  I WILL break free, and will BE able to stand, to shout, to share HIS message of HOPE that HE truly is the GOD of Miracles, and with HIM, anything, and ALL things are possible through HIM!  

"God is within her, she will not fall;  God will help her at break of day" Psalm 46:5

The next season of my journey has begun and I can't wait to SEE what HE the GOD of Miracles is going to do in me, through me, and for me.  This new season has planted, and grown a deep desire for me to let go of merely surviving this one life I have been given so I can go to HEAVEN.  Rather my hearts cry has become, LORD put HEAVEN in me, so I can run my race and finish it by choosing YOUR WILL so that other's will be able to be with YOU in HEAVEN.  Now more than ever I am understanding HIS purpose in my pain, my suffering, my struggle.  ALL for HIS glory, to mold me, make me relate-able for others to SEE that no matter what happens, HE is our GOD of Miracles, and HE can transform, renew, refine, rebuild anything that the ways of this world have destroyed.  HE is there, and for every person that our eyes SEE they are DEEPLY LOVED by HIM.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST JESUS, my prayer if for you all to feel HIS presence today.  Through your hardships, tests, trials, and storms. Through the diagnosis of sickness, failed marriage, rejections, past hurts, deep hurts, abuse, addictions, all of it my sweet friends, I pray that you will SEEK HIM to help you, to let HIM hold you, to lead you, to guide you to teach you HIS ways, so you too will begin your journey towards wholeness.  Friends life hurts, it's hard, but I pray today you will come to know HIM as I know HIM and that through HIM with HIM NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is impossible to overcome, break free, or breakthrough.  JESUS changes everything dear ones, this I know, this I believe, this I have lived, this is how I am still living.

always with so much love, compassion, and understanding,

Your Sister in CHRIST JESUS,

~ Heather 

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