Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This morning I am once again being blown away by the current theme that HE is teaching me.  The first part of today's theme came through my book "Power Thoughts Devotional" Joyce Meyer.  Today's Power Thought was simply this: "I have a balanced life and enjoy my work, and I know when to stop and enjoy other things."  This was based off of Luke 10:39 where JESUS tells Martha NOT to be frustrated or have a bad attitude while she worked.  HE is basically saying, "work hard, but don't forget to stop working when you should, so that you won't miss the miracles that are going to happen in your life."

Last night I was out shopping with my daughter as she was buying a Valentine's gift for her boyfriend.  The thought crossed my mind to have a bracelet made for myself that says "Mary."  Though I briefly thought about it, and quickly moved on to other things,this morning it has surprised me once again that HIS Daily Teachings would be about "becoming Mary," only this time it was the Mary that the angel Gabriel came to see to tell her that she would be with child, and HE is THE MESSIAH, and she didn't argue or try to talk her way out of it, she simply said, "I am YOURS.  May it be to me as YOU have said."

" Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her." Luke 1:38 nlt

Once again HE is telling me that HIS JOY is HIS "Blessed Assurance" that HE is in control of my life.  HE is wanting me to remember that HIS timing and provision are always perfect.  HE is wanting me to know that it is through my trust and faith in HIM, that I know and choose to BELIEVE that HE has everything worked out for my own good. I must choose to PRAISE HIM in all circumstances in my life, even when I am afraid, or don't "feel" like it.

"We cannot have JOY and worry at the same time" Kay Warren, "Choose JOY"

"When your worrying your NOT trusting" Kay Warrens Dear Friend, "Choose JOY"

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Philippians 4:6

HE is wanting me to know and understand the way I view my problems.  HE has revealed to me this morning that every single time I have a problem, I gaze at the problem, and merely glance at HIM.  This is very hard for me to hear, and I would like to "think" that my eyes are set on HIM, and NOT on my problems, but in reality I know that isn't true.  No matter how much I want it to be true, I fall into that trap every single time.  

HE is wanting me to know that HE is creating in me a heart like Mary's.  HE is telling me that in creating a new heart, comes a new mindset, of which HE is asking me to trust HIM with everything and know and BELIEVE that HE has it all worked out for my own good.  HE is asking me to say just as Mary did, "I am YOURS, may it be to me as YOU have said."

This very thought leads me right into the song "Oceans" by Hillsong United. This song has become the story of my walk with HIM, and just the first few lines, describe perfectly what my relationship with HIM is like.  "You call me out upon the waters. The great unknown where feet may fail. And there I find You in the mystery, In oceans deep. My faith will stand"

In my now 11th year of walking with HIM, I know that HE will continue to call me out upon the waters, HE will ask me to view the "mountains" of problems in my life as merely "grains of sand."  HIS loving reminders are everywhere I look, and this morning while journaling HE reminded me of yet another song that describes perfectly, and gives me HIS vision so that I am able to understand how exactly I "try" to live my life without HIM leading me.  

This morning Carrie Underwood's song "So small" is HIS loving reminder how I need to only glance at my problems, and gaze at HIM.  "Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand. What you've been up there searching for forever is in your hands. When you figure out love is all that matters after all. It sure makes everything else, seem so small"

HE is wanting me to know that when I spend so much gazing at my problems, I miss out on HIS miracles, and HIS blessings that HE is waiting to pour over my life.  HE is wanting me to know that what I have been searching for is right here with me, and has been all of my life, and that is HIS love.  HE is wanting me to know that HIS love is the only thing I need when all else falls away.  It is so comforting that HE is speaking to me once again through a song that I love, and never really saw the meaning behind it, until HE revealed it to me today.

HE is wanting me to know that HE doesn't want me to worry about anything, but rather trust HIM completely.  HE is asking me to do my best at what I have been given.  To be sure that all of my thoughts, actions, and words are good, pleasing, and honoring to HIM.  I am learning that this means I must give HIM ALL of my attention and keep my mind off the "mountains" of problems and get my eyes set on HIM, so I will then be filled with HIS vision, and I will be able to see that those "mountains" are merely "grains of sand."

HE is telling me that when I receive HIS vision, it is then that I will be able to let go..... and trust HIM, and BELIEVE HIM when he tells me, "Heather I've got this, trust ME!"  It is then that I will be able to live with the understanding that HE truly does love me best, and HE really does work everything out for my own good.

This morning HE has reminded me once again, not to get "worked up."  Only this time it is about my problems, the "mountains."   HE is wanting me to know that HE is in control, and after all hasn't HE proven time and again to me that HE will never leave me, nor forsake me?  HE is wanting me to be filled with HIS "Blessed Assurance," that with HIM I never have to worry what tomorrow may bring, as HE will be with me in my tomorrow's.  HE will be there, and HE will help me deal with ALL of the HUGE "mountains" in my life that are merely "grains of sand."

"So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." Luke 6:34

HE is asking me to choose to "live one day at a time."  To trust HIM that HIS plans and HIS purpose for my life are perfect.  I must choose to trust HIM completely and know that HE will never leave me to face my problems alone.  HE is there, holding my hand, leading me.  All I have to do is seek HIM, and ask HIM to teach, lead, and guide me, and HE will be there for me, helping me through every single step of my journey towards wholeness with HIM.

This morning through Kay Warren's writings HE is teaching me that when I choose to doubt HIM, it is as if though I am saying to HIM, "I know YOU were there for me in my past, but what about now?  I'm not sure YOU can be counted on GOD, so I had better figure this out on my own."  She goes on to say that this, "is a complete lack of trust, and is a quiet form of rebellion."

"Standing on a road I didn't plan. Wondering how I got to where I am. I'm trying to hear that still small voice. I'm trying to hear above the noise. How many times have you heard me cry out,"God please take this"? How many times have you given me strength to, Just keep breathing? Oh I need you, God, I need you now." Plumb "Need You"

This past Sunday I heard this song for the 1st time, well I had heard it before, but never the lyrics.  My brother text me and said, "I heard a song that reminded me of you, look it up listen to it."  Today I know that it is another one of HIS loving reminders that HE knows, and understands how hard my life has been.  HE wants me to know that this song is proof that HE has always been there for me.  

As I have walked into my past with HIM leading me, and showing me where HE was in all of the trauma of my past, I am comforted to know that when I cried, HE cried too.  I am comforted to know that HE captured my heart, and and shown me that HIS way is truly the only way for me life.

This morning HE is asking me once again to trust HIM, and know that HE has all the details of my life worked out.  Though HE doesn't promise that I won't have to experience sorrow or pain, HE does promise that HIS joy, is my "secret treasure" that will only be found when I cling to HIM, and gaze at HIM, and NOT my pain and sorrow that are Satan's hopes that I will turn away from my loving HEAVENLY FATHER.

My final thought for today is this, "HOLY SPIRIT lead me where my trust is without borders, create in me a heart like both "Mary's."  Continuing to seek me, as I seek YOU.  Continue to fill me with YOUR "Blessed Assurance."  Continue to grant me access to YOUR vision, so that my heart, soul, and mind with align with YOURS.  LORD, I need YOU, oh how I need YOU!"

I pray today that you will know that you have been "chosen" by HIM.  I pray that you will have the courage to say, "LORD I am YOURS and YOU are mine!" I pray that if you are hurting, and feeling as if though the "mountains" in your life seem insurmountable, that YOU will know that HE is enough, more than enough, and when you seek HIS vision for your life you will see that those "mountains" are merely "grains of sand" that HE has placed in the story of your life.  I pray for you to be filled with HIS peace that surpasses anything of this world as you continue your own journey in "becoming Mary." 


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