Sunday, June 15, 2014


Today mark's the one year anniversary of HIS Daily Teachings.  Never would I have ever imagined how much I would learn in seeking HIS guidance for a year, and writing about my triumphs and failures through the teaching, leading and guiding of HIS HOLY SPIRIT.  Today HE is taking me back to that day that I wrote my first post, and is showing me how HE has kept HIS promises to me in ways that go exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond even my greatest expectations.

HIS Daily Teachings today is revealing to me how through HIS providence I have been able to write HIS Daily Teachings.  HE is wanting me to know that it is only through HIM that I am able to live this life that I am living.  HE is reminding me once again, that even through all the tests, trials, and storms of my life, HE is there, HE does indeed care for me, HE loves me unconditionally, and will continue to teach me over and over until it is written on my heart, and I am able to shout it, scream it, and tell it to the masses just how good HE is, and how through HIS providence that I have been able to overcome, and breakthrough the strongholds in my life.

In seeking what HIS providence means, HE revealed this very definition to me: "the protective care of GOD."  This reminds me of one of the most life-changing songs that HE has blessed me with and that is "If Not for Grace", by Clint Brown.  When I first heard this song it was sang by "Rory Comtois"  at church, and it was when I truly let the lyrics sink deep into my heart, I began to drown in my own tears, in realizing just how much I had been through, and how HE was showing me that HE was there, and just how thankful I was for HIS Amazing Grace.

"Where would I be, You only know. I'm glad You see through eyes of love. A hopeless case, an empty place, if not for grace. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. I once was lost, but now I'm found."

Today HE is taking me back to my first blog post, and is revealing to me where I was, to where I am now, and is showing just how many of HIS promises that HE has kept to me.  HE is showing me that it has all been through HIS timing and HIS provision, through HIS providence that I am at the level of FAITH that I am today.  

When I looked up the first blog post I was brought to tears when I read my prayer to HIM from a year ago: "LORD JESUS, create in me a heart for people to love them and to help them.  Help me to keep my focus on YOUR good works, and to use me as a vessel to bless others.  In JESUS name, Amen."

I remember typing that prayer, and I remember thinking, and wondering how GOD would use me, and would this blog really be a "thing?"  HE is showing me today that NOT only has HE used me, HE has used me exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond what I could have ever imagined.  

Each day as I log onto write out HIS Daily Teachings I am in awe of the stats of the blog.  Never would I have imagined that in just 208 posts that HIS Daily Teachings would be read in 32 different countries and have 5,200 views.  Even on the days where I "think" what I am writing about matters, HE goes exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond to show me that living in HIS providence, HE can, will, and does use me in the biggest way to reach the masses of WHOM HE has planned to reach through me all along.

HE is reminding me of something I wrote in that first post and HE is revealing it today as HIS answer to HIS promise that HE made to me a year ago.  "GOD is asking me to be a leader with a heart and spirit of gratitude as I have so much to be thankful for!"  Wow!!!  If that isn't the truth!!!  Daily I am in awe of HIS goodness, and HIS mercy, how far HE goes to capture my attention and my heart, to take my "hott mess" and turn it into HIS beautiful message.

One final thought from looking back into the past year and seeing what I wrote, HE is revealing to me through the many messages on the blog, and private messages I have received over the past year that HE is using me in a way that goes exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond what I could have ever imagined when I wrote my very first post.  

"I pray that HIS Daily Teachings will bless your life today!" 6:38 a.m. 6-15-13

Dear Friends, I leave you with this thought today, "The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall NOT be in want" Psalm 23:1.  I pray today that you will know that HE truly does meet ALL of your needs in the most exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond when you surrender your life to HIM, and allow HIM to care for you through HIS providence.  I pray that your deepest hurts and pains will be healed through HIM, when you decide to let HIM teach, lead, and guide you on your journey towards wholeness.  I pray that HIS Daily Teachings will bless your life every time you read what HIS promises are for you.  I pray that you too will seek HIM, and ask HIM to use you as a vessel to bless others when you share your story.  I pray that through it all, the tears, sleepless nights, heartache, and pain you will know that HE is there, HE cares, and HE is FAITHFUL!

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and encouraging me that through HIS true confidence, and courage that HIS Daily Teachings, my early morning walks with HIM have really made a difference.

Much love, prayers, and blessings to you all <3


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