Friday, June 6, 2014


Today's Power Thought is: Out of the Heart the Mouth Speaks

"You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him." Matthew 12:34-35

Last night I went to the Library with my family, and GOD lead me straight to my current read by Joyce Meyer titled: "Change Your Words, Change Your Life"  As I stood there in the aisle holding the book, I kept thinking about HIS Daily Teachings this past week, and I could sense that I was in a for a shakeup when it came to allowing my thoughts to become words, and the importance of taking captive my words, and choosing to speak life-giving words, HIS words, and NOT just blurting out whatever is in my mind.

HIS Daily Teachings today is letting me know that NOT only am I to take captive my thoughts, I am to also stop pressing the repeat button and replaying the storms in my life.  I must choose to get my mind off of my problems, and get my mind set on HIM.  HE is letting me know that until I stop pressing repeat with all of my anger and frustration, I will remain trapped and NOT be able to see HIS JOY that is there and is waiting to be discovered by me.

HE is wanting me to know that when I choose to press repeat I miss out on HIS blessings.  HE is wanting me to know that when I began seeking HIM over a year ago, I knew that HE was going to take me through a breakthrough.  However, even in knowing that, HE is telling me that I was under the impression that I was in control of how I would learn, based upon what I wanted to learn about.

I will be honest with you, I'm feeling a little embarrassed having to write about the consequences of my words and how much I struggle to take my thoughts captive.  Yesterday was a perfect example of just that, as all I did really was lay around, didn't even get dressed, and watched movies, and talked to my kids.  I had a HUGE heart to heart with my teens, and without realizing it I kept pressing repeat on past mistakes.  Before long, I felt exhausted, and took a nap, and remained lazy until it was 6:30 when I realized that I hadn't even started dinner yet.  Sure enough when D came home, I was just starting to cook dinner, and in my embarrassment I began blurting out all these excuses of why things didn't get done that day.

This morning HE is showing me that in choosing to press repeat I began to speak negatively, and couldn't get my mind off of the negative aspects of my day.  HE is showing me that by pressing repeat, I struggled to see HIS JOY that was there for me, and in turn I cast a HUGE negative cloud over our home, and before long everyone in our home was at odds with each other.

HE is taking me even further into my day yesterday and showing me where I chose to speak words that were NOT GOD honoring.  HE is reminding me of how much I cursed yesterday.  Oh, in case we haven't met, Hi, I'm Heather, and I curse A LOT!  I used to think NOT by choice, but rather by habit, however through HIS Daily Teachings today I am realizing that I am pressing repeat far too much in my day, and the results of that are that I am a negative thinker, and therefore I am a negative speaker.  

Okay, so now I'm really embarrassed as you are about to see WHO I really am, as I struggle to become the strong in her faith, CHRIST FOLLOWER, someone WHO chooses to speak HIS truth, and study HIS word, and allow HIM to transform and renew her life daily.  I am all those things....... sometimes......

HE is wanting me to know that HIS Daily Teachings today isn't to make me feel bad about myself, but rather to encourage me that by choosing to see things through HIS vision, I am making the right choice in choosing to take my thoughts captive, and really thinking about the words I am going to say before I actually say them.  HE is telling me that I am realizing that pressing repeat means that I am still trying to hold onto what I "think" is important, and it is hindering me from being able to move forward in my walk with HIM.

Today's declaration has been about being patient while waiting for my breakthrough.  I am learning that being patient means that I must stop pressing repeat every time I "feel" bad.  HE is wanting me to know that I must understand that I am NOT the only one presenting the repeat button to me, but also that the people that I will encounter in my life will be HIS test to see if I am truly able to let go...... and trust HIM completely that HE truly does know what is best for me, and that HE really will work everything out for my own good.

HE is teaching me that by destroying the repeat button in my life, I am asking HIM to create in me a new heart, and a new mindset, to stay focused and be content on doing HIS will for my life.  HE is telling me that this means that I must surrender all of me, and seek HIM to teach, lead, and guide me, so that I will be able to see HIS JOY that is there for me.  HE is wanting me to know that choosing to see my life through HIS eyes, I will know that it has been through each test and trial that has brought me even closer to HIM.  HE is telling me that when I press repeat I miss out on HIS teachings, and thus it takes me longer to get closer to HIM.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

HE is wanting me to know and understand that pressing repeat in my life keeps me from having a pure clean heart, as I am stuck in my own prison, and it is there where I fall even deeper into the pit of despair that Satan keeps digging for me.  Therefore I must destroy the repeat button, and I must choose to take all of my thoughts captive, and I must choose to speak life giving, life building words. 

"Words can poison, words can heal.  Words start and fight wars, but words make peace.  Words lead men to the pinnacles of good, and words can plunge men to the depths of evil."  Marguerite Schumann

HE is wanting me to know and understand just how powerful my words are.  HE is telling me that I must understand how big and deep of an impact my words have on my life.  HE is teaching me that this is why it is so important to take all of my thoughts captive, as when I do, I won't be wanting to relive my past by pressing the repeat button.  HE is reminding me once again that it is NEVER in HIS plan for me to relive my past, but rather to keep moving forward, onto bigger, better, and greater things.  

"Words contain tremendous power:  It can be either positive constructive power, or negative destructive power."  Joyce Meyer "Change Your Words, Change Your Life"

"The tongue has the power of life and death,and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21

HE is reminding me once again that with every single word I think, say, mutter, blurt out, and speak, without even realizing it, they speak VOLUMES to all who hear my words.  HE is telling me that this is the very reason why I must stop pressing repeat, and choose to seek HIM, and live my life according to HIS will, so that I will then be speaking life-giving words, and in turn I will be building, and encouraging people in their walks with HIM, and their FAITH in HIM.  HE is teaching me that this is how I will leave a legacy of FAITH for my children, and their children for generations to come.  

HE is telling me that the words that I choose to speak are what give other people their impressions of me. HE is wanting me to know that my words are what my reputation is built on. therefore I must choose to think and speak GOD honoring, thoughts and words.  HE is telling me that whatever is in my heart, will eventually make its way out of my mouth.  In knowing this I am learning that this is the very reason why I must be cautious of the words that roll off my tongue.

"Our words are the result of our inner thoughts and attitudes"  Joyce Meyer "Change Your Words, Change Your Life"

HE is wanting me to know that my words hold tremendous power and either have a positive or a negative affect on my future.  Therefore, I know that I must choose to obey HIM, and stop pressing repeat, and choose to speak HIS words that breathe life in to this dying world.  I must choose to live with HIS JOY, and be a JOY giver by choosing to speak HIS life-giving, and life-breathing words.

"We eat our words"  Joyce Meyer "Change Your Words, Change Your life"

HE is telling me that this is why HE is taking me back to yesterday and showing me where I allowed my reckless thoughts, to become my death-speaking words.  HE is wanting me to know that my thoughts, my words NOT only affect me, but rather they affect everyone who is unfortunate enough to fall within ear shot of my words of death that I have chosen to speak.

HE is wanting me to know that in choosing to keep on pressing repeat I am mentally and verbally replaying the negative circumstances in my life.  HE is telling me that if I truly want to live with HIS true freedom then I must trust HIM, and do what HE calls me to do, not matter how I may "feel" about it.  HE is telling me that HIS true freedom, can only happen when I say NO to re-living my past that leads me to my own prison, and throws me deep into the pit of despair that Satan has dug, is digging, and will continue to dig to "try" and "trap" me in.  HE is wanting me to know that HE didn't deliver me, just so I could keep going back to the same place where I have already been delivered from.  

HE is teaching me that by destroying the repeat button in my life, that is when HE will meet me right where I am, and if I allow HIM, HE will transform and renew my life.  HE is telling me that this transformation can only happen when I choose to put on HIS new nature, and allow HIM to teach, lead, and guide me to become more like HIM.  HE is teaching me that this means I must choose to seek HIM daily, and ask HIM to renew my my and my attitude.  

"Where the mind goes, the mouth follows"  Joyce Meyer "Change Your Words, Change Your Life"

Through Joyce's words today, I am saying "GOD will give me the strength today to do whatever I need to do, and to do it with JOY!"  I am learning why it is the utmost importance that I STOP pressing repeat, so that HE can, will, and does move me forward in my walk with HIM.  I am learning that this is how HE grows and strengthens my FAITH in HIM.

"The soothing tongue is a tree of life,but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit" Proverbs 15:4

Today I am so incredibly thankful that HE has captured my heart once again, and has shown me where I have fallen short.  I am thankful to know and understand why I must choose to take captive my thoughts, and why I must choose to speak life-giving, life-breathing words.  I am thankful that HE loves me enough to show me where I have fallen short, and NOT allow me to fall back into the pit of despair by pressing repeat and reliving my past over and over again.  Today I am thankful that replaying my past is NO longer a part of my thought process, but rather to seek HIM, and know that NO matter what may have happened in my past, HE is there, HE is good, and with HIM I will overcome!

My Dear brother's and sister's in CHRIST, I pray today that you will seek HIM, and allow HIM to show you where you are pressing repeat in your life.  I pray today that you will have the courage to destroy your own repeat button, and seek HIM and ask HIM to create in you a pure, and clean heart.  I pray today that you will put on your new nature, as you are HIS, and HE loves you.  I pray today for HIS peace and comfort to fill you, as you continue on your journey towards wholeness with HIM.

Much love, prayers, and blessings,

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