Thursday, June 20, 2013


Last night I spent a lovely evening with "sisterhood" from Elevate church.  It was a nice dinner out with no children, and just fun girl talk!  It was exactly what I had been needing.  I have been dealing with a lot of turmoil in my life for quite some time now, so a night off was such a blessing.  I went to bed so thankful for being able to get out and get my mind off of me, and all my stresses.

Power Thought #9 I pursue peace with God, myself, and others

When I am at peace with GOD then I am no longer able to sin without repenting quickly.  For me to receive my salvation through HIM I need to be at peace about my sins, and I must confess all of my sins and seek HIS forgiveness.  I always say, "becoming a Christian really takes all the fun out of sinning."  What I mean is, I am so aware of my sin the moment it happens that I immediately feel remorse and seek HIS forgiveness.  I am thankful that the HOLY SPIRIT works in me and through me that way.  It keeps me from making some really big mistakes that could be life changing.

In the past when I have sinned I have run away from GOD.  When instead I should have fell into HIS arms and asked for forgiveness.  I am learning that NOTHING I do surprises HIM.  HE knows what I am going to do, and when I am going to do it.  I know that and HE knows that, HE is just waiting for me to acknowledge that, and ask for HIS forgiveness.  HE is faithful and can, will, and does forgive me always.

" If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

In order for me to be at peace with GOD I must obey HIM.

"Do your best & God will do the rest"

What I, Heather cannot do in the flesh HE will do.  When I allow HIM to lead me, HE will give me the rest that I need.  I choose to trust HIM that HE will make my paths straight.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6

In other words, what I don't know and understand HE does.  HE has it all planned out for me.  I just need to trust HIM and when I do HE will show up BIG in my life!  HE loves me and wants only what is best for me.  HE just requires my full cooperation.

I know I strive to be at peace with GOD daily.  I know I beat myself up when I don't feel at peace and I know that is NOT what HE wants for me. Joyce Meyer says that when she feels like that she says, "I am not where I need to be, but thank GOD I am not where I used to be."  I am thankful that statement is true in my life.  I am NO where near what I used to be, but I also understand I have A LOT of growing to do, and as long as I am willing HE will teach me everyday what I need to learn.

Right now GOD is showing me just how much I concentrate on all my faults and fail to see my successes.  When I concentrate on my faults they only increase in my life.  When I feel like I can't do anything right, I need to concentrate on what I can do right.  I need to remember that GOD loves me unconditionally, that HE is NEVER surprised by what I say or do.  HE is always faithful to forgive me, all I have to do is ask.  HE wants and desires a relationship with me, and HE is my best friend!

GOD calls me to be forgiving in my realtionships with others, just as HE is forgiving to me.  Instead of being angry when I am hurt, I should forgive the person who hurt me.  I shouldn't hang onto the hurt, as in the long run it only hurts me.  GOD will NEVER pressure me to forgive someone, but HE will lead, guide, urge and prompt me to do so.  HE will NEVER put guilt on me, but rather lovingly remind me that I am not perfect and should never expect perfection from anyone else.  Just as grace is extended to me daily from HIM, I should be extending grace to others.  I shouldn't expect perfection (without flaws)  from myself or others, because without our flaws we wouldn't need Jesus.

Lately I have found myself saying, "I feel so weary and weak of all of this Lord."  Today HE let me know that is was, "all right for me to have weaknesses."  As long as I do my best in every area of my life, than HE will do the rest.  "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13  Though it may seem impossible to me, NOTHING is impossible with HIM.  Whether I am weak or I am strong I am still in Christ and nothing can change that.  GOD will never reject me just because I am weak.  There is a song at church that we sing that whenever I feel weak it is what comes to mind.  "All We Are by Fellowship Church"  "In my weakness its your strength that carries me.  In my secrets your forgiveness sets me free.  In my worry your courage leads me through.  I was dirty but your mercy made me new.  In all my days, In every way, Your all that I need. Surrendered Lord we give you all we are"  I am thankful for this song of worship that has changed my way of thinking and knowing how my heavenly Father sees me and feels about me.

I answered these questions about my relationship with myself this morning:

Do I enjoy spending time alone?  Do I need others to distract me from the way I feel inside?

Am I able to forgive myself when I make mistakes?

Am I patient while GOD is changing me?

How much time to I spend feeling guilty about my past?

Do I compare myself to others? Do I try to be like them?

Do I feel the need to compete with others?  Do I try to be good at what they are good at?

Do I make the worlds standards my standards when it comes to body image and health?

What I have learned today is this, GOD wants me to be ME!  Me, Heather HIS precious child who HE created just the way  I was supposed to be.  I know I am a work in progress or as my husband says, "a construction site."  GOD is always moving me around and repairing another part of me.  I am thankful to know HE is working in me and that HIS plans for me are far greater than anything I can imagine.  I am thankful for all of the storms in my life, as they are what have made "me."  

I pray that today you accept you for who you are!  That you will be able to see just how precious and wonderful you are to your heavenly father! That you will be filled with HIS peace and choose to let HIM lead you.  I pray GOD's best for your life today.


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