Wednesday, June 11, 2014

speak HIS words

The last few days I have been living through a series of tests and trials to see how well I am managing my anger.  Through each unpleasant circumstance I have felt HIM leading me. There hasn't been a day where I haven't cried out to HIM for HIS help.  In all honesty it has been through pure desperation that I have been begging HIM to teach, lead, and guide me through the difficult times that I have been facing.  NOT because things were difficult, but rather my anger was threatening to destroy ALL of HIS teachings that HE has been blessing me with.  In surrendering ALL of me, and seeking HIM, HE is creating in me a heart of love and compassion, and slowly tearing down the walls of my anger, and HIS truth has been becoming part of my daily life.

HIS Daily Teachings today is letting me know that when I choose to speak HIS words, that is when I will feel the inner peace and JOY that I am craving.  HE is taking me back to the last few days, and revealing to me my inner thoughts, and showing me what I have been focusing on.   HE is showing me that in choosing to NOT speak HIS words, I have allowed myself to be depressed, "feel" hopeless, and I because of that I have failed to see HIS amazing plans for my life.  

HE is wanting me to know that even though I have been choosing to speak HIS words when it comes to my anger, I haven't been choosing to speak HIS words, when it comes to my inner thoughts, and because of that I haven't been able to be happy or content with how things are in my life.  

HE is telling me that it is only when I choose to speak HIS words, that I will then be able to truly live my life according to HIS will.  HE is reminding me of something I said to myself yesterday as I laid around "feeling" sorry for myself, and "feeling" sad, lonely, and depressed.   HE is telling me that I can't expect HIM to create in me a heart of contentment, JOY, and peace, unless I am willing to speak HIS words ALL of the time!  

HE is telling me that I can't keep pulling myself in the opposite direction of HIS teachings and still expect to enjoy my life.  HE is wanting me to know that this is the reason why I must seek HIM to teach, lead, and guide my every thought, and why it is imperative that I choose to speak HIS words.

HE is telling me that when I rise up each morning, and agree to meet with HIM, I am basically saying, "here I am LORD, ready, and willing to do whatever you call me to do."  HE is wanting me to know that in saying that, and being in agreement to HIM that means I must choose to speak HIS words so that I will then be living according to HIS will for my life.  HE is wanting me to know that I can't expect to be able to live out HIS teachings if all I am going to do is the opposite of what HIS word says that I need to be doing!  OUCH!!!  (I hear you LORD loud and clear!)

"Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?" Amos 3:3

HE is telling me that each morning when I rise up early to meet with HIM, it is me saying that I am ready to go on the next part of my journey with HIM.  HE is reminding me that this is why I have learned the term "morning walks together," as that is what HIS Daily Teachings are for my life.  Through each of HIS teachings HE is drawing me near to HIM, and HE is transforming, and renewing my heart, soul, and mind, so that I will be able to be like HIM.

HE is reminding me that HE has amazing plans for my life, therefore, I must choose to NOT only learn what HIS word says, rather I must choose to speak HIS words.  HE is telling me that I will learn how to speak HIS words, when I learn how to say what HE says about everything.  This for me is difficult as in my humanness, I am well not really a nice person, to myself, or to others.  

Today HE is answering another of one of my hearts cries to be more like HIM, by letting me know that my words must be HIS words, and I must choose to speak HIS words, so that I will be able to live my life as HIS true living testament of WHO HE is, by shouting it, screaming it, and telling it to the masses of ALL HE has done for me.  

HE is telling me that I am able to live my life as a vessel for HIM by choosing to keep my ears open to hear HIS whispers, so that I will then be able to heed HIS whispers.  HE is wanting me to know that the blessings that I have received in my life don't come from disobedience, rather then come from the obedience and discipline that I have placed in my life, because of my growing desire to be more CHRIST like as each day passes.  

HE is wanting me to know that if I truly desire to grow and be strengthened in my faith, I must NOT speak the opposite of HIS words about my life.  Therefore, I must choose to speak HIS words about my life, as HE has proven time and again to me that HIS word is truth as it is written:

" To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

HIS word is very comforting to me this morning, as it is reiterating the importance it is to me to speak HIS words.  I am learning that through HIS teachings is how I will learn to speak HIS words, about WHO I am, because it has been through HIS teachings that I have been learning WHOSE I am.

As I was reading today's bible study, I came across this scripture, and I didn't quite understand what HE was telling me, however because HE loves me too much to leave me in the dark, HE is leading me straight to the resources that I am needing so that I will be able to fully understand, and live out HIS word for my life. In choosing to live out HIS word, I am learning that this is how I will be able to speak HIS words about me, for me, and for others, so that I will be living my life according to HIS will.

Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help." Hebrews 4:14 The Message

HE is telling me that my bible and all the books that HE blesses me with are so that I can study HIS word, and meditate on it.  In doing both of these things that is how I am learning to speak HIS words.

"GOD wants HIS word to become part of us, and HE wants us to guide our lives according to it."  Joyce Meyer "Change Your Words, Change Your Life"

HE is reminding me once again that HIS word is truth and in knowing this I know that I am being given HIS gift of wisdom so that I will then be able to make sound and wise decisions that align with HIS will for my life.  In knowing that HIS word is full of life and power, I know how much I need it to be a part of my daily walk,so that I will then be living my life according to HIS will.

"When we obey GOD and hide HIS word in our hearts, HE provides blessings in ways that we don't even anticipate" Joyce Meyer "Change Your Words, Change Your Life"

"How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word.  I’m single-minded in pursuit of you; don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.  I’ve banked your promises in the vault of my heart so I won’t sin myself bankrupt.Be blessed, God;  train me in your ways of wise living. I’ll transfer to my lips all the counsel that comes from your mouth; I delight far more in what you tell me about living than in gathering a pile of riches.  I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you, I attentively watch how you’ve done it. I relish everything you’ve told me of life, I won’t forget a word of it." Psalm 119:13 The Message 

Today I choose to walk closely with HIM, and allow HIM to teach, lead, and guide me so that I will be one step closer to wholeness in my journey with HIM.   Today I choose to live my life according to HIS will by studying HIS word, meditating on it, and then choosing to speak HIS words.  I am so incredibly thankful that HE loves me far too much to ever let me stay out in the wilderness feeling lost and alone.  I am so thankful that HE is teaching me every single day that I show up for our morning walks.  I am so thankful that HE is teaching me HIS word, and teaching me how to speak HIS words.  I am so incredibly thankful for the many blessings that have been bestowed to me in my obedience, and discipline in seeking HIM each and every day and allowing HIM to grow and strengthen my faith in HIM through all of the tests, trials, and storms of my life.

Dear friends, there aren't enough words for me to say, that describe how much I want and desire for each of you to become so near to HIM.  I pray that today you will seek HIM, and allow HIM to draw you near to HIM.  I pray that you will feel HIS presence, and know that HE has everything worked out for your own good.  I pray today that you will have the courage to come into a relationship with HIM, and allow HIM to meet you right where you are when you surrender to HIM and let HIM know that set apart from HIM you can't do anything, but with HIM you can do everything!  I pray today that HE will show you the areas in  you that need to be transformed and renewed.  I pray that you are filled with HIS comfort and peace in knowing that HE is in control, and HE loves you and cares for you.  I pray that you will know this in your heart, and you will choose to speak HIS words so that you too will be able to live your life according to HIS will.

Much love, prayers, understanding, and blessings,


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