Sunday, June 16, 2013

Prosperity is more than money

I was woke up at 2:45am by my sweet little boy Seth wanting to spend time with his Mama.  I nursed him, and rocked him, and his little eyes just kept focused on me.  Before I had Seth I was not very pleasant to be woken up in the night, however after going through two miscarriages, and several health scares with my children I know what a blessing it is to be woken up by a sweet baby who just wanted his Mama. <3  In not wanting to wake the rest of the sleeping household I retreated with Seth to the living room, where I layed him on the couch next to me so I could begin to learn His daily teaching. 

Power Thought #8  God Meets All My Needs Abundantly ~ Throughout my life I have come to know this, NO matter what situation I may be in GOD will always provide what I need.  Even when in my humaness I can't see how.  HE knows how, HE can, will, and does, every time!  I am God's daughter and HE is my Father.  HE loves being the provider of my every need!  One of the things I have taught my children is that GOD made the whole world, so it is all HIS.  However I  think in that statement I too didn't realize just exactly what that meant.  Psalm 24:1 says, " The earth is the Lord's and the fullness of it"  and GOD himself says in Psalm 50:10-12 "for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it."  So if everything is HIS then HE is the one to provide it for us.  When I, Heather choose to obey & trust GOD HE will make sure all my needs are met.  In the past I have gotten caught up on fulfilling my "wants" rather than my needs.  In looking back HE has always provided my every need, and many of my wants. 

When I think of my needs I tend to only think of physical needs, food, shelter, clothing, etc.  However GOD wants to supply for all of our other needs too.  HE is our supplier for wisdom, strength, health, friends, loved ones, as well as our spiritual gifts and abilities to fulfill our purpose that HE has chosen for us.  It is because of these gifts and abilities that HE is able to provide for everyone.  HE uses us as vessel to help supply the needs of all of HIS children.  The apostle John  wrote " Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."  3 John 2   He didn't mention having money as being prosperous.  He was talking about being focused on body and soul.  When I take care of my body, provide good nutrition, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and avoid stress ( which is the whole reason I started this bible study) then I can expect GOD to heal me of whatever is ailing me.  Not only will GOD prosper me in my health, but also my finances, relationships with people, and my spiritual gifts.  I cannot reap what I do not sow!  Galaltians 6:7 "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."  If I sow mercy, I will reap mercy.  If I sow judgement, I will reap judgement.  If I sow grace, I will reap grace.  What I do unto others will be done unto me. 

One of the greatest lessons in prosperity that I have ever learned is this, when I forgive, I will be forgiven.  So many times in my life GOD has asked me to forgive the "unforgiveable" in the flesh.  When I obeyed HIM I prospered in my faith, that I otherwise would not have ever known.  I want to prosper in every area of my life. I choose to be a friendly person, so others will be friendly to me.  I choose to be a generous person, so other's will be generous to me.  If what I do, say, and feel all align with GOD's purpose for me HE will prosper me!  Joyce Meyer says this "when our soul prospers we flourish on the inside."  I know that when I trust GOD and let HIM lead me, HE pours HIS blessings all over my life.  When I don't obey HIM, HE will get my attention by making my life very difficult until I look at HIM and repent.  I cannot do this on my own, I have to have HIM lead me!  GOD prospers me when I get my focus off myself, and on put it all on HIS will for my life.  In fulfilling HIS will I am content, and live with a sense of purpose.  I grow spiritually as my faith matures.  My relationships with HIM and people are strong and loving.   When I am a faithful steward and manager to GOD's money HE will bless me.  In being a faithful steward I am a vessel to GOD supplying the needs for others.  I should respect GOD's money and not waste it.  In the book of proverbs it is stated over and over again the importance of being good managers of GOD's money.

I am learning the importance of being a good & faithful servant in everything I do for GOD.  When I obey & trust HIM HE will supply all of my needs.

Lord Jesus, I pray for the lives of the people who read this are radically changed and that you will rock their world just as you have rocked mine.  That the truth of Your sacrifice for them will be cemented deep into their hearts.  That they will choose You Lord, to be their leader, provider, protector and Savior of their lives.  Father that their lives will be overflowing with Your blessings, and that they will know that YOU will meet all of their needs abundantly!  In Your Holy Name, Amen

May you all have blessed Father's Day and remember to thank your Heavenly Father who loves you more than anyone else!


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