Sunday, April 6, 2014

doubtless faith.....

There are days after I have written the blog that I feel as if though what I have shared about either myself in what I am learning, or what HE is telling me that doubts creep in.  Last Monday was no exception as I was getting ready to go to sleep.  I had just attended my first bible study at our new church, and I could feel the enemy creeping in.  I had shared a little bit about myself, and what I BELIEVE is HIS calling for my life.  The words kept playing over and over in my head like a broken record, "you talk to much, you are over sharing."  

It is one of my greatest fears that I come off as talking too much, or knowing too much, that I am intimidating.  I never want anyone to feel that way.  I know all to well what that feels like, and I BELIEVE that is a stronghold in my life that HE is wanting me to overcome.  HE is wanting me to live with HIS true confidence that when I choose to speak HIS word, it is anointed, and I must NOT let the enemy get a foothold in my thoughts, as he would like nothing more than to see me trip up, and fall flat on my face.

HIS Daily Teachings today is HIS calling for me to live with doubtless faith.   HE is wanting me to know that my story, is an amazing part of HIS story for the world to hear.  HE is telling me that the reason I can't stop talking, is because HE doesn't want me to stop talking.  HE is letting me know that the very thing that used to get me into so much trouble, is now being used for HIS good.  HE is wanting me to know that as long as I continue to speak HIS truth, there is no thing as over sharing.

HE is reminding me once again that HE is GOD and HE is love, and I am HIS child, therefore I know HIS love.  I know this, because I know that HIS HOLY SPIRIT lives in me.  I am building my relationship with HIM everyday when I  pick up my bible daily, and read HIS word, and study HIS word.  I am learning that the more I seek HIM, HIS truth becomes my life, and I am able to feel HIS love, and know HIS presence in my life.  HE is wanting me to know that because I know HIM, and I choose to speak HIS truth, I will be able to identify those who do not know HIM, and will be able to detect those who would like nothing more than to see me fall.   HE is wanting me to know that if they won't listen to me speak HIS word, it is because they do not know HIM.

"We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood." 1 John 4:6

HE is wanting me to live with doubtless faith that when I choose to speak HIS truth, any and all false truth from others will be revealed.  HE is wanting me to tell it to the masses that HE is GOD and HE is LOVE. HE is calling me to love others, as HE loves me.  HE is telling me that when I became born again, I was born again through HIS love.  I know this to be true as it is written: 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

This morning I am feeling a great calling on my life to LOVE as though I have never loved before.  I am being called to LOVE as HE loves, and I know that I am to do this through doubtless faith, when I choose to be lead by HIS HOLY SPIRIT.  HE is telling me that I live in a world without HIS love, so much of this world does not know HIS love, therefore I am called to live my life as a living testament of HIS great LOVE.

HE is wanting me to know that I will be able to achieve this when I choose to share HIS word, and speak HIS truth to the masses, despite what the world says.  HE is letting me know that the enemy is coming at me full force trying to plant those seeds of doubt, therefore I must STAND FIRM, PUT ON HIS ARMOR, and be ready at ALL time to SHOUT IT, and SCREAM IT, from the MOUNTAINS, that HE is GOD!

I must be ready to share HIS word at all times and and tell it to the masses of HIS goodness and mercy that is available to anyone who will accept HIM as their LORD and SAVIOR!  HE is wanting me to not only know this calling on my life, but understand that this means that I must be willing to go through the tests and trials of my life, so that not only will I know, but I will be able to boldly declare that HE is GOD, HE is LOVE, and HE is good ALL of the time!  I must share that though I have been through some very dark times in my life, HE is FAITHFUL, HE is merciful, and HE has never even once left me, and HE has always worked everything out for my good!

This morning HE is answering my prayer of "so much more of YOU and so much less of me," by telling me that when I choose to LOVE others as HE loves, that is when they will see HIM in me.  Therefore, I am learning that I must choose to LOVE others as HE loves, even when I don't feel like it.

This is hard for me, as I struggle when people are mean to me.  I BELIEVE that this is the very reason why I we are living in this new town, and why HE didn't just keep my comfortable in the place where I was already liked.  HE is wanting me to know that I shouldn't be striving to be liked, but rather I should be striving to model what it means to truly live with doubtless faith.  That I must model that when the tough gets going, my faith stands firm, and HIS truth for my life is revealed, as I will live it out with genuine faith, as I will be living with doubtless faith.

I know that my calling is to share with the masses that HIS HOLY SPIRIT lives in me, and I live in HIM.  I have seen HIS goodness, and felt HIS LOVE and mercy.  I have received HIS forgiveness, and have been able to live through HIS hope.  I know that HE is GOD and HE is good ALL of the time!  I know that my calling is to share that through HIM I am able to live with doubtless faith, and I don't need to worry about tomorrow, as HE is already in tomorrow, just as HE is in today!

I know all of this because I can feel HIS LOVE being poured over me daily through HIS HOLY SPIRIT.  I am living with HIS true confidence that in choosing to answer HIS calling on my life, I know that on my day of judgement I know that is when HE will look at me and answer my heart's greatest cry, and that is for HIM to say, "well done good and faithful servant." 

"His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!" Matthew 25:21

In choosing to love as HE loves, I  know that there is nothing I am to fear, as I know that HE has it all worked out for my own good.  HE is wanting me to know that since I am choosing to live without fear I must understand that this also means I must never doubt if whether or not I am being called to share HIS Daily Teachings.  I must choose to live with doubtless faith!

I am learning that the most important thing to know and understand about living with doubtless faith means, that I must choose to continue to speak HIS truth, even when I don't see the big picture.  I must live with HIS true confidence, that though I may not know what tomorrow will bring, I will live with doubtless faith, as I know WHO does hold all of my tomorrows.

This morning, I am just feeling so overwhelmed by how much HE loves me.  I am overwhelmed that by the very prayer request I had this morning HE is answering me in the greatest way and that is through HIS LOVE.

I pray today that if you don't know HIS LOVE that you will have the courage to seek HIM, to study HIS word, and know HIS truth.  I pray that when you do HE will pour HIS favor, blessings, and love over your life and you will then see just how good HE is, and how HE is good all of the time.  I pray today that you will be able to stand firm in your faith in HIM, and that you too will be able to live with doubtless faith.


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