Wednesday, December 11, 2013


"I'm not a perfect person, there's many things I wish I didn't do.  But I continue learning. I never mean to do those things to you.  And so I have to say before I go.  That I just want you to know.  I've found a reason for me, to change who I used to be.  A reason to start over new, and the reason is YOU." Hoobastank

HIS Daily Teachings today is to remind me that HE is not interested in whether or not I understand the why, or the reason things are happening the way they do, rather HE is interested in my understand that HE is the GOD who HE says HE is, and HE will do what HE says HE will do.  HE is asking me to trust HIM, and not try and reason why everything is happening in my life the way it is.

This morning HE revealed this to me through the current "why" in my life.  That is, "Why didn't HE move us to GA?"  That is what I truly desired, it's what I wanted, my children wanted, and D was willing to do.  So "why" didn't HE move us there?  In my choice to "try" and reason as to "why" HE moved us there, HE is letting me know that HE didn't move us there, because it wasn't in HIS plans to move us there.  In hearing that I asked, "why" wasn't it in your plans?  HIS response was, "because I have something better planned for you."  "When" is the something better going to take place?"  By now, I am thinking "surely I have exasperated you in my reasoning......"  HE answered "YOU must trust that MY timing is perfect!"

"Reasoning leads to confusion" Joyce Meyer "Battlefield of the Mind"

This morning HE is showing me that all the time I have wasted in trying to "reason" why things happened the way they have, I have failed to TRUST HIM, and have failed to let go...... and let GOD take over control over every area of my life.  

HE is wanting me to know that it is NOT in HIS plans that I understand everything, and dissect everything HE tells me.  I must trust HIM, completely and fully.  I must let go of my foolish "need" to try and reason everything.  HE is teaching me that a curious mind, is a confused mind.  HE is wanting me to know that when I truly let go..... and let HIM take control, I will be much happier.

I am learning that because of my humanness, I tend to only BELIEVE things that seem logical to me.  As to say, that if I, Heather a small minded person couldn't think of what to do in a certain situation, then surely  HE must be wracking HIS brain?!?!? It's astonishing to me, that I even allowed myself to go there.  Really?!? How could I, Heather, person who makes a mess of her life daily possible know more than my creator?  

HE is telling me that its not important for me to know the "why", but it is important for me to understand "WHO."  Hearing this from HIM, reminds me of how each day ends for me.  That is, I lay my head on my pillow, and spill everything to HIM.  Almost every night I go to sleep wondering if tomorrow I won't be a failure.  HE is wanting me to know that I allow myself to feel this way, as I always try to reason, and in return I get confused, and when I get confused I get frustrated, and that leads to anger.

HE is showing me this morning, that my "trying" to find reason in everything, is the reason I have so much anger inside of me.  I am a person who can be easily overwhelmed.  Especially because I like to be in control.  I like things done "my way."  HE has been slowly showing me that it's not important that things be done "my way," rather that they get done at all.

For example, when I "think" that the way I do laundry is the only way to do laundry, then I am missing out on HIM blessing me by having someone else in our house do it.  HE is letting me know that HE has heard my cries for help, and when HE sends it, I must not "try" and control how I receive the help, but rather just graciously accept it.  Since I have let go, and allowed other's to bless me by doing laundry, a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I am able to better manage other domestic duties in my home.

"The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit." 1 Corinthians 2:14

HE is teaching me that reasoning clashes with HIS discernment.  HE is wanting me to know that HE is more interested in teaching me to be able to discern when I need to allow myself to be led by HIS HOLY SPIRIT, and not reason with my fleshly desires.  I am learning that discernment is the hardest thing for me, as I always find and excuse NOT to obey HIM.  

I am learning that I must let go of my incessant "need" to control everything.  I must stop trying to solve things with reason.  I must trust HIM with everything!  HE is wanting me to know that the sooner I stop "trying" to figure everything out, the sooner I will stop being confused.

HE is wanting me to know that it is okay for me to wonder about things, and bring those questions to HIM, however the moment I start reasoning  as to "why", then I need to know that I have gone too far.  HE is reminding me once again that it sis not about "why" things are the way they are.  Therefore, I must remember that it is all for HIS plan, and HIS purpose for my life.  HE is wanting me to remember that the reason things are the way they are, is because it is in HIS plans for my life!  I must seek HIM, and allow myself to be led by HIS HOLY SPIRIT!

"I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit—" Romans 9:1

I am learning that my desire needs to be having the satisfaction of not knowing, and being comforted in knowing that HE does.  Once again HE is asking me to "go all in."  HE is asking me to trust HIM completely!

"And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." 1 Corinthians 2:1-2

Joyce Meyer writes: "The less I know, the happier I am"

Today is the day where I will stop with my "need " to try and reason all of the "whys?" in my life.  Today I will trust HIM because of WHO HE is.  I will let go..... and let HIM lead me.  I will seek HIM and ask HIM to teach, lead, and guide me throughout every single moment of my day today.  I will be comforted in knowing that HE is my SAVIOR, HE loves me, and know me best.  I will be filled by HIS peace in knowing that my life is all about HIS plans, and HIS purpose, and it is through HIS timing and HIS provision that things will happen just as they are supposed to happen in my life.  Today is the day that I have gained a new appreciation and understanding of WHO HE is, and have asked HIM to create in me the desire to let go of my "need" to reason.

I pray today that you will be comforted in knowing that HE is the reason the way things are they way they are in your life.  I pray that you will know that it is HIS plans, and HIS purpose, and that HE is the reason you are here.   I pray that you will seek HIM, and that you will be filled with HIS truth, that HE is the reason and the only reason that you need in understanding the "whys" of your life. 


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