Wednesday, November 6, 2013


My youngest son is now a toddler, and it seems that every day he is doing something new.  He has now learned how to climb on top of the coffee table.  A move I am most certain was taught by his older brother.  In watching him and his determination, and seeing how he is never satisfied by just what he can do right at this moment, but rather a yearning in his little heart for more.

HIS Daily Teachings reminding me of my son today, to help me put into words just exactly how I have been feeling lately.  As each day passes I am finding myself wanting more of HIM.  I am wanting to know more about HIM, and what HE did for others.  I want to experiencing more of HIM working in my life, and the lives of my loved ones.  I am wanting more of HIM in my every day life.  It is like the thought of more consumes me, and in my search for more of HIM today this is what HE has revealed to me.

The more part of what HE is wanting me to know today is this, anything less than HIS presence, and HIS power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT being my number one desire will keep me from seeing and knowing HIS plans and HIS purpose for my life.  I am learning that HE must be my number one desire, as I was created in HIS image, this is what HE intended for me.  

"So God created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27

HE is revealing to me that it has been HIS plan all along for my desire to know HIM more.  In seeking HIM, HE has been revealing to me answers to the questions that I have been praying about for quite some time. I am finding myself every morning waking up with a yearning for more.  More of HIS word, HIS truth, HIS love, HIS grace, HIS mercy, HIS forgiveness, HIS purpose, and HIS plans for my life.

This morning HE is wanting me to fully understand that I have been anointed by HIM, I have been called by HIM to speak of HIS truth, and to go out against what the world says, and say what HE tells me to.  Now this is all new to me, as I didn't even know what anointed meant until I started today's blog.  In my quest to learn just what anointed means this is what HE has revealed to me.

To be anointed by HIS HOLY SPIRIT means that I have been enabled, and entrusted to speak HIS truth in this world.  It is because I have chosen to surrender myself daily in seeking HIM and wanting more of HIM   I am learning that in order to speak HIS truth, I must first learn to discern whether or not it is HIS truth, as Satan is always waiting to trip me up, and trap me.

"Christ gave you the Holy Spirit and He lives in you. You do not need anyone to teach you. The Holy Spirit is able to teach you all things. What He teaches you is truth and not a lie. Live by the help of Christ as the Holy Spirit has taught you." 1 John 2:27

I must be able to boldly speak of HIS truth about who HE is, and what HE has done.

"Jesus Christ came by water and blood. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. The Holy Spirit speaks about this and He is truth." 1 John 5:6

I must be able to pray, and seek HIM, and ask HIM for HIS wisdom for myself, and for other's for HIM to be revealed to us.  No one, not even Satan can keep HIM from me.

"The world above or the world below cannot! Any other living thing cannot keep us away from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:39

"You must pray at all times as the Holy Spirit leads you to pray. Pray for the things that are needed. You must watch and keep on praying. Remember to pray for all Christians." Ephesians 6:18

I must live a righteous life, one of which is being led by HIM.  HIS presence and HIS power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT must be my number one desire.

"In that way, Jesus did for us what the Law said had to be done. We do not do what our sinful old selves tell us to do anymore. Now we do what the Holy Spirit wants us to do." Romans 8:4

I must seek HIM as HE is the source of my strength, and it is HIS power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT that will teach lead, and guide me through every single moment of my life.

"I pray that because of the riches of His shining-greatness, He will make you strong with power in your hearts through the Holy Spirit." Ephesians 3:16

I must do whatever HE calls me to do, even when I don't feel like it.  I must trust HIM and know that HIS timing and provision are perfect.  When I don't feel like it, I must call upon HIM to be my source of strength, as with HIM I can do anything!

"But you are not doing what your sinful old selves want you to do. You are doing what the Holy Spirit tells you to do, if you have God’s Spirit living in you. No one belongs to Christ if he does not have Christ’s Spirit in him." Romans 8:9

"I can do all things because Christ gives me the strength" Philippians 4:13

I must choose to live a life of joy, as each day given to me is a gift from HIM.  I must remember that even when sadness occurs during the night, there is joy to be found in the morning!  

" For the holy nation of God is not food and drink. It is being right with God. It is peace and joy given by the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17

"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be full of joy and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

I must live with hope.  I am learning that my hope comes from HIM.  HE is the only one who can fill me with hope when all seems lost.  HE has proven HIMSELF time and again that with HIM I will always have hope.

"Our hope comes from God. May He fill you with joy and peace because of your trust in Him. May your hope grow stronger by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

I must use HIS spiritual gifts that HE has blessed me with.  HE gave me the gifts of mercy, discernment, and wisdom for a reason.  I am a prayer warrior for a reason.  The reason I am wanting more, is because I was designed to want more.  I must be bold and courageous and go out into this world and be a world changer, and not a world pleaser.

"There are different kinds of gifts. But it is the same Holy Spirit Who gives them." 1 Corinthians 12:4

The Holy Spirit works in each person in one way or another for the good of all." 1 Corinthians 12:7

"But the fruit that comes from having the Holy Spirit in our lives is: love, joy, peace, not giving up, being kind, being good, having faith, 23 being gentle, and being the boss over our own desires. The Law is not against these things." Galatians 5:22-23

HE is wanting me to know today that HIS anointing was designed to open my mind, it is the reason that I seek HIM daily and ask HIM to teach, lead, and guide me through every single moment of my day.  HIS anointing is the reason I pray, and through prayer HE gives me the strength to go out into this world and speak HIS word, and HIS truth.  

Today HE is answering my question to the more in my life.  I am learning that more means, less of me, and more of HIM.  More of HIM teaching, leading, and guiding me every day.  More of HIS words, and less of mine.  More of HIS love, and grace, which I am to give freely to others.  More of my bringing HIS Kingdom of Heaven here to Earth.

I pray today that if you are seeking more, you will know that it is only found in HIM.  I pray that HIS plans, and HIS purpose for your life will be revealed to you when you seek HIM more.  I pray that you will have the courage to go above and beyond what the world says is enough, and seek HIM more.


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