Saturday, August 10, 2013


Two years ago in January, I remembering sitting on my bed and asking GOD to let that year be the year that HE renews my heart, mind, body and soul. I asked HIM renew my overall health.  However, what I failed to realize was when I made this resolution with GOD, HE was most certainly going to oblige, and WOW did I underestimate just how BIG HE was going to deliver.

Within this first few days, HE began to work on my heart, and naturally in my own selfishness I began to ask HIM why?  Why all of the sudden was HE working on me so hard?  I had forgotten the resolution I made with HIM and myself.  I had forgotten that when I pray and ask HIM to do something for me, HE can, will, and does every time.  

Thankfully almost 3 months ago HE captured my attention once again, and I surrendered completely.  I asked HIM to take me through a "breakthrough" in my health, marriage, motherhood, and most of all faith.  I was willing to do anything HE asked of me.  Now, in all of my brilliance I failed to remember the most important thing, when I ask, HE delivers.  My life is now a living testament of just how BIG HE delivers.

The first thing HE did was remind me of the resolution I had made with HIM two years ago, and reminded me that if I was truly dedicated that a "breakthrough" was most certainly possible.  Next HE let me know that it was going to take a TON of discipline and obedience on my part, to NOT question what HE was telling me to do, but rather just obey HIM no matter how I "felt."  In asking HIM to use me BIG, HE has, and HE has proven HIS faithfulness to me in everyway.  I now know that HE was saying to me, "fasten your seatbelt Heather you are in for a crazy ride!"  

It is no coincidence that I started this journey 85 days ago after hearing Bill Hybels message titled "Whispers" at our church one Sunday morning.  I took his teachings to heart, and knew that I must begin to implement them into my daily routine, if I wanted to grow in my faith.  I knew that I had become stagnant in my faith, and I so desperately needed a recharge.  I remember leaving church that day thinking, "now this is something I can do."  

The next morning I got up around 4am and began to journal for the first time in my life, just where my heart was at, at that very moment.  I felt GOD say to me, "it's time and you are ready."  At the time I didn't quite understand what HE meant, all I knew was anything was better than where I was at that moment.  

The road HE paved to my being "ready" was at the time so "random" to me.  I had gone to visit a great friend whom I hadn't seen in months.  Our time was such a blessing to me, and I was so thankful to have an afternoon off of being "Mama" to all 5 of my children.  It was the first time that I just my youngest with me, and so I was able to have a whole conversation with minor interruptions.  Little did I know just how much of a blessing that day would turn out to be in my life.

I remember sitting in her living room and talking about how unbearable life had gotten for me.  How I was faithful, but yet stunted..  I was telling her how stagnant I had become in my faith, and she began to share with me Joyce Meyer's testimony.  In hearing her testimony I knew I had to get one of her books immediately.  I left my dear friends house that afternoon on a mission.  A mission to get my hands on one of Joyce's books.  Little did I know that GOD already had the plans in motion, and the "book" was waiting for me when I got home.  

When I arrived home I went to my book shelf to see if I had any of her books, and to my delight I had three of them.  The first book I picked up was "Power Thoughts."  Almost immediately I opened the book and read the first 3 pages.  Frustrated I closed the book thinking,  "clearly LORD YOU are mistaken, this book is not for me."  For three days that book stared at me, and finally after getting over my pride I picked it up and began to read it again.  In that moment I  heard HIM "whisper" "breakthrough."  It was in that very moment I knew this was the start of something BIG in my life.  

What I learned during the 43 days I spent in HIS word and that book has been life changing for me.  I learned that very valuable lesson that my thoughts controlled my over all health.  I have learned that in order to truly live a peaceful and joyful life, I  must not be "feelings" lead.  However, GOD knew then and knows now that I don't just read something once and learn it, or I should say "live it."  No, HE knows that I am the type of person who needs the reminders to be everywhere I go.  So naturally HE introduced the next book into my life.  "Living Beyond Your Feelings."  HE wanted me to know that until I stopped doing things "my way" and let go.... and let HIM lead me, being totally and completely HOLY SPIRIT lead, I would not be able to truly live a joyful and peaceful life.  GOD knew then and and knows now exactly what I need at the exact moment I need it.  

This past Sunday I heard the message about Soul Detox, and immediately began to think I heard it for someone else.  In my own pride, I allowed myself to think I was above HIS teachings.  I now know that because of my pride, GOD made sure that HIS message was clear, and began to place it everywhere in my life.  "Be Still and know that I am GOD" has been with me for the past 7 days.  

This morning HE spoke to me through my bible study on "whispers" with these words:  "when our "whispered" task is tough, the reward of knowing we've helped further HIS kingdom and bettered our broken world is all the sweeter."   I am so thankful that HE has taken me through the "breakthrough" in so many areas of my life.  I know that I must never think HE is finished with me.  I know that I must choose to follow HIM every day of my life.  I know that I must pray and seek HIM earnestly everyday.  I know I must wake every morning asking HIM to teach, guide and lead me through every single moment of my day.  I know that without HIM  my breakthrough would not have been possible.

Today I am filled with HIS truth regarding my salvation, and know that it is because of HIS grace alone that I am saved.

"He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done,but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit" Titus 3:5

Today I am filled with HIS truth that because I have claimed HIM to be my SAVIOR, and I am faithfully following HIM as HE leads me, I know that I am HIS child.

"Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God" John 1:12

Today I am filled with HIS promise as I know I am saved because I have confessed my sins, and have been forgiven.

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" Romans 10:13

Today I am filled with HIS assurance that my past does not define me, and HE does NOT hold my past against me. 

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" Romans 8:1

HIS love and grace never cease to amaze me as I have been so disloyal to HIM at times, and yet HE stays so committed to me.  I have learned that when I confess and repent I am forgiven.  I know that I must forgive myself.  

Throughout the past 85 days HE has been taking me through a "breakthrough" in my life.  I know that I wouldn't be able to bear the half of it if it were not for HIM.  Through HIS love, grace, hope, tenderness, and forgiveness I am "breaking through" some of the most painful parts of my journey with HIM.  I am now living with the courage and confidence to boldly declare that HE is my LORD and SAVIOR and my life is only possible because of HIM.

I pray today that if you are in need of a "breakthrough," that you will seek HIM earnestly.  I pray that you are ready for HIM to show up BIG in your life.  I pray that you are willing to pick up your cross and to follow HIM no matter what HE may ask of you.  I pray today that you will begin your journey of your "breakthrough" so that you will be able to live a truly peaceful and joyful life.


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