Sunday, August 18, 2013

blessed assurance....

If I haven't made myself clear yet of who I am in my previous posts, let me share what HE revealed to me this morning of whose I am.  I am the daughter of the KING, the LORD of all LORDS, I am a sinner, who has been saved, through repentance, and forgiveness of my sins. I am loved, I am wanted, I am cherished.  I know that because my Abba, (daddy) in Heaven loves me so much, I know that I can endure anything that this life throws at me.  HIS Daily Teaching today was to let me know that HE IS GOD.  

HE has let me know that HE is transcendent over all things.  HE has let me know that HE is above and beyond anything that I could possibly understand.  HE is more, than anything I could ever imagine.  HE let me know that HE is Absolute.  HE is perfect, HIS timing, HIS provision, absolutely, everything is flawless about HIM.  HE is uncontested, many have tried, and they have failed to disprove HOW great GOD truly is. He is omnipresent, HE has let me know that HE is everywhere at all times.  HE is bigger, and more, and I can't even begin to comprehend just how BIG HE is.  This morning I have been filled with blessed assurance, that HE is GOD.

I remember being a little girl sitting in church with my Gram.  Though I don't remember being able to understand anything that the minister was saying, I do remember singing with my Gram, "Blessed Assurance." This morning, HE revealed the lyrics to the song to me, and it brought tears to my eyes, because even when I didn't know HIM, HE was revealing HIMSELF to me.  This morning, I sang "Blessed Assurance, and I can honestly say that I am truly blessed in knowing that HE is GOD.  Today I felt as if though I was singing this Hymn for the very first time, and truly understood just how amazing HE is.

GOD has made it very clear that I am to not worship any other gods.  

"You shall have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3

I know that HE expects me to pick up my cross and follow HIM daily.  In choosing to follow HIM, I am letting HIM know that I respect HIM, and I trust HIM.  In trusting HIM I know that I will be able to do anything, and that HE will deliver me from all of my strongholds.  I know that it is through my faith in HIM that HE gives me blessed assurance.  

I know that in order for HIM to set me free from the strongholds in my life I must first acknowledge what they are in my life.  I must admit as much as I don't want it to be this way, in one way or another there is something else that has become "god" in my life.  I know that true freedom can only be found in HIM. Therefore, I must seek HIM earnestly and allow HIM to teach, lead and guide me every step of my journey.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17

HE  has let me know that I must never allow my view of HIM to become distorted.  HE wants me to know that as long as I "think" my problems are bigger than HIM, then HE won't be able to set me free from my strongholds.  HE has let me know that HIS truth alone is the only thing that will set me free.  I am learning that HIS truth is, HE is greater, and bigger, and beyond, my little worldly problems.  HE has let me know time and again that HE has my whole world in HIS hands.  HE gives me blessed assurance that when I choose to follow HIM everyday, HE is there, HE is always ready to help me through anything I may be facing.  HE has let me know that I am never alone.  HE has let me know that it is in my weakness that HE is my strength.  HE has proven this to me so many times in my life, and today I am so thankful for the blessed assurance that HE gives to me daily.

I know that I must meditate on HIS word daily to be filled with HIS promise.  I must know and declare just how great HE truly is.  I must shout from the rooftops that HE is my everything!  Today HE has let me know that my prayers should match HIS word.  I am learning that through my prayers I should never refer to HIM as little, or that anything is impossible even for HIM.  HE has let me know that HE can, will, and does give me the strength to get through anything and everything in my life.  

Through HIS blessed assurance this morning HE has let me know that HE wants me to stop "trying" to do everything myself, and let go.... and let HIM teach, lead, and guide me HIS way through my daily walk.  I am learning that the more I "try" and take over and do things "my way," the more of a mess I make for HIM to correct, and wow, do I learn things the hard way.  I often imagine HIM looking at me when I realize that I have once again "wrecked" the car, and once again, after falling flat on my face I return the keys of my life to HIM. 

 Today is no exception as once again, I have made a huge mess of my life due to one of my strongholds.  So today, I am returning the keys to HIM once again, and I am going to meditate on HIS word so that HE will deliver me from my stronghold.  

Today HE has blessed me with my latest read called "Praying GOD'S Word" Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds by Beth Moore.  It is filled with pages and pages of HIS word written clearly for me to know and understand completely that HIS is GOD.  I am so thankful that I serve an all knowing, all loving, all giving GOD.  I am thankful that even though I am a "hot mess," HE knows and loves me and see's so much more in me.  I am thankful that HE seeks me in my failures, and lets me know that it's never too late to choose HIM.  I am thankful for HIS blessed assurance that HE has given to me, and I am thankful to boldly declare that HE is GOD!

I pray today that if HE hasn't already revealed to you, just how great HE is truly is, I pray that you will seek HIM earnestly, and allow HIM to reveal HIMSELF to you.  I pray that you will know that HE is greater than any of your problems, and that when you turn the keys of your life over to HIM, HE can, will, and does make all things work together for your good.  I pray today that you will be filled with HIS blessed assurance that HE is GOD!




  1. Heather, this is such a blessing to me! I woke up a half hour early because you told me how early you wake up to be with the Lord and I thought "I really want that for my life!" I am going to look up the lyrics to Blessed assurance. I am so excited about your blog! Thank you thank you thank you! I love the thought of turning over the keys of my life to the Lord. I tend to be a worrier but now I can be a warrior! Jovie

  2. If you go to YouTube third day has a beautiful rendition of Blessed assurance with lyrics on the screen. Makes you cry!

    1. Jovie, I will be sure to listen to it, thank you for reading my blog. I was great meeting you yesterday, and I am so excited to get to know you more on Thursday nights! Have a blessed week!!!
